
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 3, 2008
New York City
Running on my first week with my new 12G Nano Deluxe, love it so far! I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions, I'm glad to be here.
I cant let all the mods give all the welcomes. Welcome to the site and congrats on the nano. What type of fish are you keeping, if any?
Welcome aboard! As Chisel said, what kind of fish are you going to keep? I hear that Kribensis are a fantastic and easy fish to keep and breed... ;)
Right now I have three black phantom tetra's and three red zebra danio's along with one plant, a small anubias. So far I love the tank, I feel i'm having some problems with the Red Sea Bio System, but other than that, things are going well.

Oh and thank you for the kind welcome!
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