night time tank peepin

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hippy guy

Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 17, 2011
Lexvegas Kentucky
So I wanted to see just what happens when the lights are off, but moon lights and flipping on room lights scare the vampire shrimp and my kuhlis :( I have a droid, and installed droid light, its just a small white led, and I put that on my glass top. The fish don't seem to notice, and its much less bright that a moon light, and only really lights just a small area. Just a thought for phone users out there, turn your flash to just on, my fish aren't startled by this at all :)
Glad you figured out a way to play "I Spy". ;)

My kuhlis are out all the time, day or night and are not shy about anything anymore. Have you had yours for a while?
I have a droid, and installed droid light, its just a small white led, and I put that on my glass top.
This a great idea, but be aware that leaving that LED on for extended amounts of time has been known to burn them out.

It doesn't make any sense to me at all (after all, LEDs are left on in signs for LONG amounts of time), but maybe they use cheaper LEDs or something.
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