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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 28, 2004
I know nitrogen cycles, in the whole denitrification deal. Nitrites, Nitrates, Ammonia. I don't member the order. But ammonia is most harmful, and i don't think nitrites are harmful at all? I'm not totally sure about this. I'm just trying to get some nitrogen knowlege out there.
waht do yall know about it?
Fish produce ammonia in waste, this is poisonous to fish.
Bacteria come and turn it into Nitrite, which I think is still slightly poisonous.
A 2nd bacteria comes and turns it into nitrate. Nitrate is fairly safe for fish unless it is in very high concentrations. Plants will take this up as a food source.
Yep ! Ammonia is toxic.

Nitrites interfere with the fish's abibilty to carry oxygen in the blood- it is therefore also toxic. Fish will become lethargic , refuse to eat, become ill .... death

Nitrates are the least harmful of the three, but still can cause problems if concentration is too high.

Order of Nitrogen Cycle : Ammonia to nitrite to nitrate
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