No AC, water temp rising, fish dying, help.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 2, 2006
I don't have AC in my house and i'm not here most of the time during the day. How do I keep my tank temp from rising to the point where it's killing my fish? I put a fan in front of it but that does'nt work. I'm doing water changes like crazy but i'm affraid of shocking my fish. Would floating ice cubes be ok?
what is the current temp of your tank?

you could get an empty plastic milk gallon jug, fill it with tap water, put dechlor drops in, and pour into an ice tray if you really need that much ice that its killing your fish because of heat

unless your house is in the 100s, im doubting its overheat, im guessing its more likely stress, or disease
How hot is it?Or how hot does it get?

Is the top open?If not leave it open...if you have jumpers cover it with something porous.

Get the fan to blow across the top of the tank...this will encourage evaporative cooling.

How does the water test?
The tank temp was reading 91, My biggest fish has died. The tank is a 90 gal. freshwater with African Cichlids. After my last water change I brought the temp down to 88.
also, when the temp raises in the tank O2 is less saturated in the tank. you may want to lower the tank level to allow the filter to agitate the water more or add an air stone.

tank specs? NH3, NO2, NO3, PH.

PS. sorry about the fish.
also, when the temp raises in the tank O2 is less saturated in the tank. you may want to lower the tank level to allow the filter to agitate the water more or add an air stone.

tank specs? NH3, NO2, NO3, PH.

I'll agree with absolution if it helps...hotter water means less 02...agitation with help with gas exchange.With temps that high I would say surface agitation is a must.

Edit...test results would be great.Water quality issues along with temp issues is a recipe for will go a long way if we know its just a temp issue.
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