no algea?!?!?!?! :o

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I have had my tank set up for 4 weeks(with plants) and 3 weeks with fish. I have NO algea whatsoever!!! I mean this is good!!!!! BUT, why am I not getting ANY algae? what will my corys eat? My tank is cycling(never has been cloudy) and I will be adding fish next week. Maybe its because of the million snails in my tank?
The snails will definately have an impact on algae, get your cories some algae wafers and some veggies as treats. The algae wafers are a good food for the cories. No algae is a good thing. Not that I can say I can always obtain it LOL, but a good thing.
thanks! I will get those algea wafers!!! i tried to feed my danios a piece of lettece the other day but they didn't want it. What is the best brand of algae wafers?
my large tank has none, my planted is covered tryin how to get it back under contt o figure outrol. my 5 gallon is showing brown, and my 1 gallon has 10 has all diff tpyes and it sucks :)

pray you dont get it. :)
Zuc and cukes are good for the fish, most fish like them quite a bit. I use both Wardley's and Hikari algae wafers. For the cukes and zuc you can get a veggie clip from your lfs or use and elastic to attach them to an ornament or rock.
in the same tank last time I kept fish algea would be on the glass in like 2 days!!!!! Maybe it's the water? my water is harder.
Hopefully your tank will be cycled before you add more fish. Perhaps you don't have the lights on much over it since you have few fish, so the algae doesn't get enough to grow? I've had my tank since January and no algae. I don't have a tank light, just the lights in the room.
I have a planted tank and my plants are growing. I have the plant light on for 12 and a half hours a day. I have it on a timer.
I do but it is sort of hard to read. PLUS it is sooo expensive so I only use it about every 2 weeks. I need to check it again. I will post it here when I do.
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