Non-aggressive Oscar needs non-aggressive tankmate(s)!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 25, 2012
I apologize in advance if I posted this in the wrong area or whatnot!

I'm pretty sure I have THE most non-aggressive Oscar (Ozzy; I know I'm weird, I name my fish) in the world. He is so sweet and good-natured that he lets everyone beat up on him. I'm pretty sure I could put guppies in there with him and he'd make them friends instead of food. Therefore, he is in a 55 by himself. Ozzy is about 3-4".

I had heard that fish don't really get lonely, but then I heard that it's always best to have at least two fish in a tank. I was assured that an Oscar would hold his own against a Convict and a Red Devil (after all, he was in a tank with parrot fish at the pet store), but when I put him in the tank with my cichlids, he sank right to the bottom and let them beat him up pretty bad. Luckily I got him out of there right away and healed him up. Then I rescued a little electric yellow cichlid (Viper), just under 3". They were "best friends" for a few months, zooming around everywhere together, until recently. I notice that Ozzy's fins are torn and chewed and Viper's seem fine. I never see Ozzy bulling Viper around or vise versa, but I took Viper out and Ozzy is now alone.

So...anyone have any suggestions for what would be suitable tankmates for Ozzy in a 55? :thanks:
Well although many people on this sight will say that your tank is to small for one Oscar. I say you try your luck with another Oscar of similar size or a bit smaller to be sure he doesn't get beat down if they where to establish dominance of the tank. Also look at other fish from the same region. Remember to keep in mind how big he is going to get and will most likely eat any fish small enough to fit in his mouth (guppies).
garfy said:
Please don't put another Oscar in a tank that size

If upgrading isn't in the near future (next couple months) garfys right don't get another one. However 2 4" oscars can live quite happily in a 55 till around 6-7" then youl have problems which would only be a few months down the road since oscars grow quite fast. Honesty if the 55 is his life home you will be better off keeping him alone since hel have quite the bioload when he's bigger. You could try a bichir if it's larger than the Oscar it should be fine. My Senegal bichirs were in a tank with my oscars for several months with no problems. My Oscar thought it was a worm and nipped him once... Once. Lol bichirs can hold their own but stay quite peaceful as long as they have a place to hide and space to swim around not to mention they are a garbage disposal and will eat any food you put in the tank just like the Oscar .
What about a school of giant danios or silver dollars, would need 5 or 6 of each. However, as everybody said 55 gallons for an Oscar is quite stocked.
Hate to say it but if you can't get a bigger tank than it looks like oscars might not be your fish of choice. 55 is not a bad size tank for a nice assortment of schooling fish. I've been in this situation, started at a 40 to 60, and am now building a stand for a 100 gallon. Which I'm sure will some day be out grown. LoL

When a hobbie turns into a life style
Thanks everyone! I know he won't stay in the 55 long. I have a 125 coming in a few months. I had someone offer me some silver dollars, maybe I will check into that. I have a few spare tanks if it doesn't work out with them. Thanks again!
if ur gonna have a 125 you could totally do 2 Oscars! i have 1, she is about 14 months old and 9.5-10 inches long. she is so aggressive she tries to attack my camera tho lol. another thing with getting another Oscar tho is that you may get another aggressive one, and then ur "nice" one will get beat up, or he could turn appressive as it gets older. mine has allways been aggressive, but fish, like people have different temperments and personalities. good luck finding a tankmate for him!
Why not try another South American cichlid. Jurapari, severum, chocolate to name a few. Pick something that will get a little size to it and try it out. I have mine with a festae and they get along well. Oscar is 10" and the festae around 7". Good luck.
If you get silver dollars just remember they get to be 6" or larger and grow quite fast also.
If your gettin a 125 def do a second Oscar, they are real funny to watch when they hunt together. I breed convicts and I feed the fry to the oscars on occasion.
If he is as friendly as you say a severum is a great choice. I have two together in a 75 g with a pleco. They are a happy family. Love cichlids but I hate all the beating up. Severums are great without all the aggression
Senegal bichir would make a great tank mate for him. Or any other fish or group of fish that would not have a large bio load.

Once he hits the 8" mark you will notice how much of a chore it is to keep your water parameters in check. Most likely multiple wc's a week.
Yep I'm already doing 2 wc per week & he seems very happy and healthy. All my fish are happy & healthy. I love cichlids but yes hate the fighting. It's like they're never happy! My convict & red devil are a mated pair and are extremely territorial so they even beat up the pleco, which is in by Ozzy now. Ozzy is a very messy eater so the suggestion of "bottom feeders" is great, I can't believe I never thought of that! I sincerely thank you all!!!
I don't think oscars are always "aggressive" but will just eat anything that fits in their mouth. I have a small one in a 180g tank with red hooks, African cichlids, jewel cichlids, convicts, a fire mouth, a jack Dempsey, a balance shark, a silver tip shark, a brown African knife fish and two managuensis. They are all 4-6 inches but when the big fish get bigger I expect they will eat the smaller ones. When I put the little Oscar in they all beat him up for a day but then he started to defend enough. He still looks beat up but I like it. If he eats them all in a year ill be happy. Justice.
Once you get the 125g, you could try a blue acara it is pretty passive.
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