normal behavior for newly introduced regal tang? Please Help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 19, 2003
San Jose California USA
Hello all,

I just got a quarter-sized regal tang and i put him in a Qt tank. He is in the corner and resting against the side glass. My qt tank is made entirely from water that came from my main tank. Has anyone experienced this behavior with a newly introduced tang. I hope he doesnt pass away as i got a great deal on him.


Regals are kind of weird. Mine props himself up on rocks and lays sideways in caves. Just keep an eye on him. What for rapid gilling, color fading or spots. Is it eating?
Is there any thing in there for him to hide behind or under? Add some PVC fittings for them if you dont have anything.
your going to add him to a 30?
Well its pecking at the rocks that i put in there. it was miserable in QT so i wanted to see the reaction of it if i put it in my tank. I put it in after a 2min FW bath, and he perked up quick. I dont know what i was about the QT that made him act like that. yes, i am going to add him to a 30 and i only did this because he is the size of a quarter and because i have the intentions of getting a larger tank very soon.

Pufferman, I wish you luck with this fish. I am in no way trying to flame you but You did make a poor fish choice for a 30 gal tank. If you have plans of getting a larger tank that should have been done first. The regal is one of the fish that absolutely needs to be QT prior to going in the main. They are very prone to ick. the size of the tank can really stress out the tang (regardless of how small it is) and this, to, can lead to parasitic infestation. A FW dip will do nothing for the fish except cause it some un-needed stress. Like I said, please do not take offense to this. I am just laying it out there for you. If you are intent on keeping this fish (I say back to the LFS) then keep an eye on it. Make sure it is eating a well balanced diet with good vitamin and fatty acid supplements (vita-chem and sealcon work well). Also, make sure you have some nori for the tang to graze on every day. Good luck and keep us posted...Lando
i understand. I hope that the members of AA did not get offended by my choice of fish. I am sorry, but i could not turn down the offer of a regal tang for $16. I will try to get it a suitable home quickly. What size tank would be good for a tang of this size.


This little tang is great. He was hiding, but i guess he can recognize my face because when my dad walked into the room, he came out and ate. He is doing fine and swimming in the PH current.

I love the Regal Tang. I have heard they can be a challenge to keep. Do you plan on upgrading your tank later when the tank grows? I probably would have gotten him too at $16. We all have our impulses. I'm not offended Pufferman. :wink:

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