Noticed my fish medication causes CANCER?!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 23, 2003
Anyone know of the product called "quick cure"? Which is a liquid med. for ick. Before I opened it, I noticed a warning label that reads "This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer"

Okaaaayyy?!! So what precautions do I need to know here? 8O
First off, everything causes caner don't worry. If it was really that bad they wouldn't sell it to you. Just don't eat it or inhale it deeply, and maybe try to wear gloves so there is no direct skin contact.

Does it say what chemical causes the cancer, I can't read the lable from the pic.
Yep. Its either Malachite Green or the Formulin in the product. I *think* they are talking about the malachite green, which is a toxic dye and is not recommended to be used by pregnant women or in food fish. Could be the formulin tho; its a constituent of formaldehyde (yep, the stuff they embalm bodies with).

Is why I use heat/ heat and salt to treat for ich. That other stuff kinda freaks me out.

For a little more info on some of the meds and what they contain you can check here (Note Maracide has since changed its formula): and for what those meds do check here:
Almost all chemical meds, veterinary, marine, or Pharmaceutical, are bad for organisms IMHO, and cancer is basically caused because: Cells mutate because they are being irritated constantly by something, coupled with mineral deficiency and a compromised immune system.

I like to avoid chemical meds at all costs and seek other ways of finding and fixing the source of the problem... sometimes you just get the shaft and have a sick fish from the store that's from a bad line and has been genetically compromised, etc. .....

But you can use tea tree oil, homeopathy, elevated water temps, salt, corrected params, plants, etc as a few means to correct sick fish problems.

"If all the medicine in the world were thrown into the sea, it would be bad for the fish and good for humanity" ... O.W.Holmes, Prof. of Med. Harvard University.

That's my take on the whole bag.

I've notice that all my test kits have warnings all over them as well... No more natural test kits out there?
lol were there ever "natural" test kits?

testing the water is kinda like playing chemist...and some of the reagents (in particular, the mercuric chloride that is used in some ammonia tests) are VERY toxic. Kinda ironic to me that we'd use a substance that pollutes natural waterways and is toxic to aquatic life (not to mention people!) to test our home aquariums.

I believe nitrite tests use acetic acid, which is what vinegar is. pH drops are generally pretty harmless as well, but they are chemicals, which can all be irritants.

The state of CA has incredibly strict labelling laws on products that contain known carcinogens. Buildings with asbestos insulation, or even apt buildings where someone might've smoked a cigarette, are required to put signs out front stating that being in the building might give you cancer. LOL...kinda absurd....but thats cali for yas...
I used to add a few drops of a fish tonic to my tank every month to “keep my fishes healthy”. Allivymar suggested it may be unnecessary. On the small print it said it was bad for invertebrates. I lost about 4 bamboo shrimp before I noticed it.

Someone somewhere suggested it is unfair for fishes to swim around all day in chemicals just like we would not like our atmosphere full of chemicals. Hence I am very anti chemicals of any kind. Also it seems that it is only chemical companies and there agents that claim that these chemicals are beneficial for fishes and if you do not use them you were old fashioned. Bollocks

I would rather be old fashioned and have a stress free hobby and fishes. Some chemicals cost more than my fishes are worth anyway. When they carry cancer health warnings …..<<speechless>> :?

Good link, sweetsuvvyb: I shall be quoting it. Kudos to you (y)
I believe I can help you here. I am a veterinarian (although I work exclusively on cattle and know zilcho about fish, I know these medications).
This product I see has both formalin (which is 10% formaldehyde) and malachite green. Both can cause cancer, yes, so they of course are required to put it on the label. However, the rate you will be using it and the purpose for using it, the odds of you getting cancer on it are pretty well nonexistent I'd say. Don't swim in it, don't purposefully inhale it and wash your hands if you get it on, but nothing to be overly concerned or paranoid about. There are many people that work with these things alot in pathology and so on and they don't get cancer anymore than anybody else.

Relax, it's okay stuff.
You know, it doesn't actually SAY "don't swim in this" on the ich med bottles. Sorta like the warnings on the Rowena Iron (Warning! Never iron clothes on the body) or the car sunshade warnings (Do not attempt to operate vehicle with sunshade in place).

Wonder if I can swim in it and sue them ;)
Come to think of it, I noticed that too when I bought Quick Cure. I just assumed it wouldn't be sold if it really could be harmful, but if that were true, cigarettes would be illegal...
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