Now I know better - anyone in Barrie, Ontario?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 19, 2015
Now I know better (well bit better anyway...)

So a few months ago I came home with five feeder goldfish in a bucket. They had been at a stag and doe I went to and the organizer was running fish races with them. At the end of the night they were going to a guy to be fed to his larger fish.

I now know this is what happens to feeders but at the time didn't seem right so I brought them home and the next day got a 15 gallon (not knowing any better) and then did more research on how to care for my new friends and am now the proud owner of a used 90 gallon tank (I could do a pond but am in Canada and -35 is possible but as a Brit I have no idea how to keep it unfrozen) and at least for now they are happy in the big tank.

Really do need more gentle education out there - I was glad to see the folks at Petsmart talking to a lady who wanted a goldfish for her kid saying - you need a minimum of 20-30 gallon tank rather than just selling her the bowl and a fish.
I'm glad those fish have a caring person like you to take care of them!

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Thank you but I am the lucky one - my dad has Alzheimer's and the fish have provided all of us with a nice distraction. Have three more tanks now (15g tropical and two smaller tanks with Bettas - 5g each).
Good for you! I'm glad you found fish keeping!

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