nsw pw ?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 7, 2012
Is it ok t use natural seawater for partial waterchange I have a 55 Fowler with plans on to go reef been running 1 year
The only problem I see is you could introduce new parasite and bacteria. If the levels are the same or close. Not a bad idea just taking a chance
What if I would put a UV sterilizer for a day and sock filter it Before adding?
Have u heard of anybody using this method cuz I've looked up online and some say it good and some dont that's why I was hopeing to find somebody that has
Reason why they say dont becuase if what i said. You take a chance in intoducing new stuff into the tank
Thanks for the advice but still would hope for someone that prob has done this before
People do it successfully. Even the water you buy at Petco is natural seawater that they have packaged. But to do so, you have to try to avoid polution, parasites, so on. To do so, people collect their water at high tide. Once they do this, they run the water through UV sterilizers for about a week before using it for water changes.

In my opinion, it is more work to get natural seawater going than it is to mix together some RO/DI and salt mix of my choice. That and then you can get increased calcium and such for a tank heavily stocked in corals.
Thnaks for the help I just wanted to se my options cuz I live in Puerto Rico and live by the beach and I dont have a Rodi system
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