Nutrafin biological cleaner

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 25, 2003
Nutrafin biological cleaner
fish bowl cleaner
how do you use
do put a couple of drops in every week when you take part water out of tank
or do you use to scrub the tank
I am not sure it was in a start up pack that mum brought me for christmas
lol I noticed the tank My mum said that it was for her but then gave in and set it up today so what do I do with the cleaner
all the instructions for use say
weekly part of regular maintenance
what do you recomend
Is it the fishbowl cleaner stuff?

If so, don't bother with it; nothing replaces water changes. The cleaner claims to reduce visible waste and improve conditions between water changes. If there are probs requiring something like that, it means there haven't been enough water changes n gravel vacs *grin* Its not used to wash the tank out tho.
I have a shubkin called Shubkin
I have a goldie that is red/orange called blue
common goldie called lips because has a slight bit of orange on its lip
and I have anougher don't know the name yet!
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