odessa barbs in 54ltr tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 8, 2011
Guys i had an odessa barb and it was nipping on my other fish so i was advised to get two more, since then they have been reasonably ok but today a lfs said 'Barbs!' With other fish, she thinks that they will be nothing but trouble, is this true shall as they get bigger will they be a problem, i really like them and dont want to give them away. She said barbs in a barb only tank apparently.

Please advise
Well it depends on what kind of barb. Gold barbs are more communal, and single odessa barbs can be a terror youu should get 3 more.
It really depends on the kind of barbs. Tiger barbs pretty much go in a species only tank. I've heard Odessa barbs can be nippy, but have never had them.

There are lots of barbs that can go with other fish, though in my experience they do best in shoals of >6 mixed with other barbs in shoals of >6.

Gold barbs, rosy barbs, cherry barbs, checkered barbs and redline barbs (roseline sharks) all seem to be pretty peaceful, although active, if kept in groups >6.

What are your other fish?

(I just did some quick reading on Odessa barbs, and it seems like they are like all other barbs, best kept in groups of 6 or more.)
Another quick note... I just saw your title. 54L = ~11-12gal if I'm doing the math right (too lazy to get a calculator :))

It may be, if you have other fish in there, that your tank might be too small for the barbs to really find a "spot."

My barbs all have their own species corner/plant/cave and they shoo the other species out. They also take up every single inch of the 48" I've given them to swim.
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