old newbee

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Blue whale

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 5, 2009
schdy N.Y
I am retired since 1986. I liked woodworking and gardening but lately I wanted to try something less strenuous. I previously had 2 twenty gal tanks.Last year I went and bought a 75 gal tank.moderately stocked with various plants.The fish are neons guuramis bearded tetras sword fish bristle nose cats and tiger barbs.I would to learn much more about water parameters and anything else.I recently had a problem with ich.Teated it with meds.some died but about 20 lived.Total fish in tank were 40.Also how much light do I need for this tank .Any advice would be appriciated.Thanks
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Ich, have had problems with it. The folks on here turned me onto a way to treat it without meds that seems to work very well.

Get some aquarium salt and raise the temp a few degrees every 4 hours or so till the water temp is around 80F... Raise it only like a degree or two at a time over a day.

Keep the temp high like that for about 2 weeks after the last sign of ich.

Lot of folks here very much more knowledgeable than I am on the subject.
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