omg not agian

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 16, 2006
Ashland KY
well it happehned agian, the Ick has came back, its attacked my black mollie, little white salt like crystals nad white skin stuff hanging off it, happened over night pretty much, he's in his own bare 10 gallon, I was not prepared for this either, I had to scrub the mud off the old 10 gallon where it laid outside and had a dead bat in it, gave my TV to my parents so I could use the stand for the tank lol is there any pet out there that doesn't get sdick lol
Was the molly in the tank alone when you noticed the ich? If not, you MUST treat both tanks. You also MUST treat for the entire time specified on the medication, or for at least a full week AFTER all the spots are gone if using a heat/salt method. I'm linking an article written by someone I really respect in the hobby.
I am treating both tanks, I seprated the mollie since he was the worst looking, I am using heat and an ich medication, which is pretty much a salt solution, I plan on keeping the mollie in for about am onth to be safe since he is my favorite one and the tank he came out of is my "show tank "
Heat and salt is enough. I do not believe in the "ich cures".

Moved to the Unhealthy Fish forum where it belongs.
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