On the right track?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 23, 2005
Chicopee, MA
Just wondering if I am on the right track here as far as the setup I am looking at and I have a few questions that searching didn't answer.

I want a FOWLR tank. What I am looking to get is 75gal, ~70+ lbs. LR, refugium/sump to put skimmer and heater, playground sand with a little bit of live sand for seeding.

1) Do I still need another filter ( HOB or canister ) even though I have the refugium/sump?

2) As far as fish I am looking at this combination: Lionfish, Foxface Lo (not definite), Blue Tang, Auriga Butterflyfish, small puffer (like saddle puffer), and a sixline wrasse. Is that going to be too much a bio load for this kind of tank? If it is not, what order would introduce these fish in?

3) What kind of a cleaning crew would you guys use for this kind of tank?

That is for now.



edit- Forgot to ask what I missing for a successful tank.
I would skip the hob filter and go to a skimmer, do a dsb in the main and go for 125-150 pounds of lr. Your fish choice would need to be modified, these fish once they get some size to them will overload your system pretty quick, a lionfish will get huge and a blue tang gets pretty large in itself.
Thumper said:
I would skip the hob filter and go to a skimmer, do a dsb in the main and go for 125-150 pounds of lr. Your fish choice would need to be modified, these fish once they get some size to them will overload your system pretty quick, a lionfish will get huge and a blue tang gets pretty large in itself.

By skimmer do you mean protein skimmer? Because I was planning on an in sump skimmer. 125-150 lbs of live rock? Won't that make the 75 gal kind of crowded? Fish choice is definitly going to get changed. I figured that the tang would get about 8" but, I just looked it up and it grows to over a foot.

So maybe I should stick to small butterfly fish and Dwarf Angels with the Lion. One of each should be ok, right?
125-150 lbs of live rock? Won't that make the 75 gal kind of crowded?
Not really. It depends on the density of the rock. I have about 140lbs in my 72gal and am thinking of adding more. The fish list you provided includes some pretty messy fish so hte more LR the better. You should really consider about 2lbs/gal for great biological filtration.
So maybe I should stick to small butterfly fish and Dwarf Angels with the Lion. One of each should be ok, right?
That would be fine. Just remember that the lion will get pretty big and it will eat WHATEVER it can get in it's mouth.
lando said:
125-150 lbs of live rock? Won't that make the 75 gal kind of crowded?
Not really. It depends on the density of the rock. I have about 140lbs in my 72gal and am thinking of adding more. The fish list you provided includes some pretty messy fish so hte more LR the better. You should really consider about 2lbs/gal for great biological filtration.
So maybe I should stick to small butterfly fish and Dwarf Angels with the Lion. One of each should be ok, right?
That would be fine. Just remember that the lion will get pretty big and it will eat WHATEVER it can get in it's mouth.

How big will his mouth get? Is it like a large mouth bass? So, the more live rock the better...I kept reading about 1 lb of LR per gal. I guess that the saying is true...can't have too much filtration. :D

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