Ordering plants

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 12, 2011
Cali baby
Here is the best place to order fw plants online? Anyone have suggestions? Thanks!
Members on here are a good way to go. Not only are you helping them pay for their stuff, you're usually getting a really good deal. Sometimes, they'll just offer them for the cost of shipping. Aquabid is another good source, as long as you look at the sellers feedback.
Thanks guys! But, my parents dont like to order from people, no matter how many awesome reviews they have. Dont ask why haha i dont know. What about sweet aquatics? Good or no?
click the link. It was meant to be aquariumplants.com. Will edit now. Sorry about that........

........ok, all fixed :D
The eBay seller I dealt with is exclusive to plants. It was also decently priced, all said and done I have five plants coming including shipping it was about $30.
I've gotten plants from ebay too. Got a plant package today for just $20, a dollar a plant.
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