Ornate Birchir

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 16, 2013
I have an Ornate Birchir. I'm not sure how old it is, somewhere between 7-10 years is my best bet. I've been reading on this fish. I have it in 125 gallon tank with Tin Foil Barbs.

The articles I've been reading is that it can grow to 2 feet long. Mine is only about 6" long and hasn't grown in years.

Have I done something to stunt it's growth?
Probably isn't an ornate, it's not uncommon for people to label fish as sumthing more expensive or rare.

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Has it always been in a 125g? If it was kept in a smaller tank for a substaintial amount of time then that could have stunned its growth. But if it is 7-10 it most likely would have died from being stunted.
I have an albino bichir and I got when he was 3 inches now it's been a month and up to a heft 4-5 inches but maybe they just slow down once they reach a certain length
They are fast growers, especially when well fed, but If it was stunted then yeah it wouldn't have lived that long, is there a dwarf variety birchir I haven't heard of? Cause seen these guys grow from about 4inch to 8 or 9 in the space of 4-6 months!

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I have an albino bichir and I got when he was 3 inches now it's been a month and up to a heft 4-5 inches but maybe they just slow down once they reach a certain length

My bet is it a delhazi which stay much smaller
Bichirs are very slow growers, I don't think you've stunted his Growth however I do believe you will need a larger tank to prevent it in the future. Polypterus Ornatipinnis grow to about two feet and should be housed in nothing smaller than a 200 gallon.
While you shouldn't keep an ornate in a 125 you can keep some others like,

P. Delhezi (my fav.)
P. Senegalus
P. Retropinnis
P. Palmas Palmas
Mine grows fast probably 3 inches in 2 months, I feed mine blood worms through a turkey Baster tho so they he always eat cuz he doesn't like to eat if I just drop food in.
Bichirs are very slow growers, I don't think you've stunted his Growth however I do believe you will need a larger tank to prevent it in the future. Polypterus Ornatipinnis grow to about two feet and should be housed in nothing smaller than a 200 gallon.
While you shouldn't keep an ornate in a 125 you can keep some others like,

P. Delhezi (my fav.)
P. Senegalus
P. Retropinnis
P. Palmas Palmas

What about weekii as you are a expert
I don't think albino bichirs get much bigger then 8 inches right cas other wise I might need an upgrade in the future
What about weekii as you are a expert

Ok I'll take that, "as you are a expert" remark as a complement. I did not include weeksii because i personally feel the potential size of the weeksii, 20"-22"inches, is a little too big for a standard 125 gallon.
Now the albino bichirs you see most common are an albino morph of the regular Ol' polypterus senegalus. The senegals very rarely get over 8" in aquaria.
It's a 40 galling bow front and I think I might add a pitcus cat

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh, a bow front is still really pushing it... As for the pictus cat they like to be in groups and can be kept with bichirs in larger tanks with plenty of cover and territory for each.
As for my stock tho what should I add my tank looks so empty with him and my leaf fish
I'll answer the rest of those questions in a PM! Don't wanna get too too far off topic.
Ok I'll take that, "as you are a expert" remark as a complement. I did not include weeksii because i personally feel the potential size of the weeksii, 20"-22"inches, is a little too big for a standard 125 gallon.
Now the albino bichirs you see most common are an albino morph of the regular Ol' polypterus senegalus. The senegals very rarely get over 8" in aquaria.

But you said they grow slow so 20" will take years

I have found that delhazi and weekii grow slow but ornate grow fast

But it's a long time since I have kept and as even a 20" will be food in my tank

Ornate and endy both grow very fast

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