Oscar rearranging tank???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 29, 2011
I have a red tiger oscar. He's about 8 inches and is a powerhouse, he has moved everything in his aquarium. He pulled out the bubble disc, moved a fake plant, and a castle that is about 10 inches tall. I watched him pull out the bubble disc so that didn't just come out of the rocks and that castle is pretty heavy even in the water. How can i get him to stop this or make it so he cant move the stuff. I just put him in this tank about a week ago (55 hex) he has plenty of room and he is the only fish in there. :fish2: :thanks:
oscars are know for changing their tanks around to their liking it's normal
not sure anything short of nailing things down would stop him
you could try using aquarium glue and gluing all your decorations to slate stone and then burying it under the substrate that might help
goodluck i love oscars becasue they have so much personality
No, is it something to do with he is bored or something I think I'm going to take out the bubble disc.
no every oscar i've ever had even when i kept a pair of them would rearrange the tank they put it the way they want it it's just how they are if you do remove the bubble ring just make sure there is enough o2 in the water as oscars are messy

maybe someone else may have a different insight but this is what i have experienced
i have a pretty good filter he has never had the bubbles so im not sure if he likes them
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