oscars, corydoras and tetras, oh my!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 7, 2004
san francisco
just wondering.. at the moment I have four tetras, one dwarf corydora and a platy... I'd love love love to add an oscar or two, but I have a feeling they wouldnt go well with my little fishes. I lost a number of fish when I first set the tank up, and now that the biofilter is established, I'd like to add a few more fish. am I right that the oscars wouldnt go well with what I currently have in my tank?
thank you muchly in advance! :)
Long time to no see minzabella! You're right of course. The Oscars would love to have that kind of set up. Four quick tetras to chase after at meal times. There are some hardy cichlids that you could add instead if you're interested. German Rams, Angels and keyholes come to mind quickly. And I'm sure you know that Oscars get really big and are just the messiest fellows. :wink:
I agree an oscar wouldn't go well with what you have already. Also, 29 gal isn't big enough for even one oscar. I also wouldn't suggest angels with your neon tetras. (I'm sure Jc just overlooked that :wink: ) If you are looking for a large centerpiece fish, perhaps a gourami or even a pair. There are lots to choose from and they are very colorful. Good luck. :D
funny how jchillin thought of those fish so quick, could it be that they are what you have and will keep in the new tank......

Sorry couldn't resist.
no info on the oscars other than they get big and eat anything thay can.
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