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Awww, sweet face! She looks all tuckered out. It's hard to tell in the pic ... how big is she? Is that her normal cut, or do you let it grow long? We give Harley a summer cut about this time of year, but usually it's long-ish.

She thinks she's a little dog lol. I'm not real sure on her weight. We let the coat grow out in the warm months. If it's cold or wet outside, she will stick her head out the door and put the skids on and won't go the bathroom.
This is Scarlett, smooth coat chocolate chihuahua and Panda, long coat tri color chihuahua. My girl's!


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Sad day today woke up to find my gfs 15 year old cat dead out the back and my dingo pups eating him :/
I'm not sure if they killed him or not :/ It's the first time on over 2 years he has been out the back
The rest of my family
Elliot, netherlands dwarf bunny

Pico-green aracari

Holly-red fronted macaw

Yuna- hawkheaded parrot

Gryphon-blue naped mousebird

Elfe-black capped conure

Kismet-american singer canary

Cochise-hawkheaded parrot

Heartly-akita/lab mix

Here are our 2 maniac... 3 year old Boston Terrier and 2 year old Olde English Bulldogge



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Sad day today woke up to find my gfs 15 year old cat dead out the back and my dingo pups eating him :/

I'm so sorry. Fifteen years is a long time for a cat - perhaps the dogs just found him after he'd already passed. I hope your gf is doing okay. :(
Us too! Only for the fish we can tell apart though, lol.
This is my boy Jax. He's a 13 1/2 year old Jack Russell Terrier. He's now a blind diabetic that requires insulin shots twice daily but he's totally worth it!


He loves the water & loves playing fetch... Um yeah that's the size of "sticks" he usually comes back with!



He hates wearing clothes but he gets too cold so he has too


Meet Sofi and Onyx!


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