Oto Cat Transport

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 13, 2013
So, I'm trying to decide what to do with my 10 gallon tank. Do I turn it into a divided tank for two bettas (I have one right now) and put my 3 otos in the 45 gallon my dad and I are going to set up or do I keep it as is? I'll be going to school most likely in Utah and will be driving there. It's a 2,000 mile drive and I'd rather have my otos stay here if there's a decent percent chance of them dying from stress. I figured that since bettas are hardy fish that they can make it, but the otos, I'm not sure.

Does anyone have advice on the matter?
Otos are awesome fish! But they hate transport. So i would not bring the otos with you on the drive.
Otos are awesome fish! But they hate transport. So i would not bring the otos with you on the drive.

Which is why I don't want to leave them. I'll have to do what's best for them, though. They'll enjoy having such a large space and can take the place of the pleco I was going to try to get (not sure where I could find the small species I was looking at). With a group of cories and my otos algae around the bottom should be under good control.

Guess I'm going to get a baby betta.

I won't be leaving until January, possibly but not likely, August. Baby Betta should have plenty of time to grow strong enough for the trip. I'll keep him segregated from the 10 gallon until the 45 is up and running so the otos can go in there. It will give me the chance to treat any illness it will have from the pet store

I'd get an adult from a lfs but earlier I got a baby who was really sick because I wanted to try to save it, but he died, sadly. With the 30 day return policy I can bring the poor thing's body back and get a healthy one. The Petco I got him from wasn't very betta friendly, but the one closer to me is great with them.
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