Otos in the QT?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 13, 2003
Alexandria VA
When you first got your otos, did you quarantine them? And if you did, what did you feed them?

I understand that otos need to be added to an established tank with algae, which my QT doesn't have... how you handle that? I'd like to hear all your oto experiences!

When I first got my Otos, I went out of my way to cause an algae breakout in my 10g tank, then bought them from a healthy looking LFS tank and put them right in. The Otos were eating buffet for about three days.

If you QT them, you can take some algae covered plants from your new tank, and move them in QT. Or just try a variety os vegetables like brocolli and zuchini along with algae wafers to see what they eat.
Tigerlily, I just got 4 new otos last week. I don't have a QT so I just crossed my fingers and added them to my 20G. Luckily they have been pretty healthy and happy thus far. I did, however, have tons of algae (although it's all gone, thanks to the otos).

Somebody here told me you could also take some of your tank plants, put it in a sterile bowl and stick it out in the sun for a day or two to create algae.

Other than that, like robotchili says...algae wafers! I have the Hikari Algae Wafers and finally the otos have started showing interest in them.

Oh yeah, I also got a piece of driftwood--apparently otos like/need them, and this also grows algae.

Good luck!
Thanks guys! I think I'm going to give them a try. I'll see if my LFS has them this weekend, and stock up on the algae tabs, zucchini and cucumber! (Maybe I'll try to grow some of my own algae - never thought I'd say that!) :D
Had my tanks runnin for three months and no algae yet :( Even tough one of my tanks is next to a window...

Got a CAEs and Albino rainbow sharks, give em waffers, zuccini, and also the leftovers of the peas im feeding my sick tetra (wich doesnt eat em...)
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