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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 5, 2009
Mckinney Texas
I have some narrow leaf micro swords in my tank that have been spreading fairly nicely, many of the chains of runners are a foot long, or run into the wall and keep cruising. Basically the growth of the plant is seemingly good. I dose NPK, Trace, Iron, and CSM. I also inject c02. Tank is a 56 gallon, 30x18x24 with a 175 mh pendant about a foot and a half above the tank. The other plants pearl, and I chop handfulls of clippings out every week. Little green spot algae on my java fern, but what can you expect I suppose. Anyway, the micro swords have some kind of fuzzy brown, perhaps a hint of green algae growing on it. If I stir the substrate the algae will hang on to the dust stirred from the eco complete. I added a Koralia nano powerhead in the corner of the tank to increase water flow to see if perhaps that was the issue and it has not happened. And allthough I say that they have been spreading well, the vertical growth of the mother clumps have halted in the past couple weeks after I trimmed them down, but are not dying or showing signs of lacking nutrients or lighting. Hope that was lucid enough info, I would really love to get to the bottom of the issue.

It sounds to me as though you have an inbalance in nutrients. Have you thought about reconsidering what/how much you are dosing? Or, possibly doing a big water change to reset the balance in the tank?
gsa is a sign of low phosphate. increase your dosing of P and your gsa should go away.
the algae on your microsword sounds like fuzz algae or oedogonium James' Planted Tank - Algae Guide. like blueiz said, sounds like a nutrient issue. where are your co2 levels at?
what i would do if i were you is turn off your filters and water movement. and dose excel to the areas that are affected and wait 5-10 minutes and then turn your filter back on.
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