Overdriving Meanwell ELN 48 60D

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 14, 2005
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Hi guys,

I made my own LED fixture well over a year ago. I had driven the LED's at 1amp (1000mah) however just recently drove it up to 1350mah

Just wondering if anyone else out there has used these drivers beyond their rated current?

Reason being, is I can't keep a foreground plant alive. I've tried dwarf hair grass, and glosso are the two I've tried.


10K Ohm Linear Potentiometer
1 $3.50 USD $3.50 USD
10V AC Adapter
1 $10.00 USD $10.00 USD
Arctic Alumina Thermal Adhesive
1 $7.00 USD $7.00 USD
Bulk Wire (White)
15 $0.25 USD $3.75 USD
CREE XP-G R5 Cool White LED with 40°, 60°, or 80° degree Lens
(Lens Color: Black, Lens Width: 80 Degree)
12 $5.50 USD $66.00 USD
Mean Well ELN-60-48D dimmable driver
1 $34.00 USD $34.00 USD

I never did get around to installing the optics, because the light is only about 3-4 inches from the surface, and its a one way install - Once they're on, they don't come off.

the XP-G LED's can go to 1.5 amps. Just wondering if I can adjust the SV2 to that level without the Driver popping.

Let me know!

I would advise against it. Best case it has appropriate protection and the unit either won't run at that current or it runs and protection kicks in before it gets too hot.
Worse case it starts a fire.

I'd just buy a higher rated unit. Possibly one that doesn't require a extra external power supply to run. That just seems a bit silly to me.

That driver you have could run 2 more leds at 1.3A if you wanted.
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