Overdue Update!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2018
I'm coming up on a year since I started this journey and I've enjoyed it so much. I also greatly appreciate all of the guidance I've gotten here over the past year. It only seemed fitting to give an update to my 20G.

Unfortunately, I can't reply to my old thread anymore, so it's time for a new one. The first one is here if you're interested!

I've only had one more death since I last updated. That makes the two cories lost during QT and two endlers. Both of the endlers were the smallest ones I had, so I assume there was some failure-to-thrive going on. Otherwise, everything has been going great.

I have had massive success with breeding the shrimp and have had to drop off excess twice. Coming up on having to do it a third time. They still have a huge variety of colors.

The plants are all doing great except the ludwigia, which died off a few months ago. This is due to a combination of not enough light and not enough nutrients in the substrate. Ludwigia was never going to be an ideal plant for my tank. The dwarf hair grass also died off for the same reason.

The bacopa couldn't be happier and has had a massive boom. Now when I trim it, I just throw out the cuttings because I have so much of it.

The anubias is just chugging along slowly, happy on it's little log. Same for the buce.

The old java fern mother is completely gone, but her little plantlings litter my whole tank and are growing strong.

I figured I'd go ahead and take some shots of the tank before my water change today.

Here ya go!





Everything is still going great. I added some pennywort and it's coming in well.

The plants and animals are at a stable equilibrium and water changes are less frequent now. My nitrates stay under 40 for at least 2 weeks now! Algae is also much less of a pain and the tank walls only need a scrub down every month.

I was able to give away 60 shrimp this week without making much of a dent in the population. I'm sure I'm on generation 10 or so now.

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