PBT with ich

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 26, 2004
montreal, canada
I just bought a PBT and it seems to have 3 or 4 spots on it, looks like ich, it is rubbing against a plastic log (something to hide in). Now I've heard that you should not treat tangs with copper for ich because it will kill the bacteria growing in their stomachs, so what would you suggest? :?:
Now I've heard that you should not treat tangs with copper for ich because it will kill the bacteria growing in their stomachs, so what would you suggest?

That is not true at all....

The tang and all your fish need to be put in a qt tank and treated for the ich. You can treat by using the hypo method, or by the use of a copper based medicine called cupramine.

The main tank will need to be fishless for 6 tp 8 weeks. The longer the better. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away.

PS. I have treated my tang with copper.
the tang is in my qt, and my main tank has been running for over a year. I bought some cupramine and a copper test but had heard that it was a bad isea for tangs
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