peacock eel help, strange behavior....

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Nol Starks

Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 8, 2012
A week ago I bought a peacock eel from the LFS. I was sure to get the biggest one avalible, so I'm sure he was eating good and healthy. The first night he was in the tank he hid, and I didn't see him all day. The next morning he was out swimming in the front of the tank, I figured he was hungry so I gave him bloodworm and meat pieces. He paid no attention at all. This is how iys been for a week now. This eel has not rested, every time I look in the tank the is swimming back and fort on the front glass trying to push through the glass with its face....all day and night. I haven't seen this fish rest in a week. I have plenty of hiding spots, and caves, drift wood to hide under. And my substrate is soft rounded pebbles. The LFS sold me the same substrate the use in the store, and its deep enough for the eel to burrow, I've seen him do it twice now. Help please I'm worried.
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