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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 22, 2010
Wisconsin U S A
I'm trying to figure out if Petco is trying to take my money, or do I need to purchase the substrate that they seel for plants. I have had tanks for years(46 now) and I've never heard of this product, I've also never used live plants, but I want to "upgrade" to a 30 gallon(26 now). I'm not sure of the name of the substrate, I'm hoping some one on this site is more versed than I am in the field(no pun intended) of planting live plants with or with out this expensive product. Thanks for any info.
I'm researching setting up my first planted tank. Some plants have heavier nutrient requirements then others, some plants draw more from the substrate (root feeders), and some draw more from the surrounding water.

The plants that draw nutrients from the substrate will need to be fed, a special substrate will help feed them, but many aquarists use a regular substrate and fortify with root tabs. Some plants with heavier nutrient requirements may well want both.

Bottom line, you can go either way, you just may need to fertilize a little more with regular substrate. For plants, as with fish, researching what you're buying goes a long way to having a happy tank.
When researching planted substrates I came across two main options, Laterite and fortified substrate.

If you're using Laterite, it gets spread in a thin layer before your regular gravel.

If you're using a fortified plant substrate like Active-flora or Eco-complete, then you can go all planted substrate or layer something like 2 inches planted subtrate, with 1 inch regular gravel on top.
Have grown plants in straight plain ol' gravel, gravel with laterite, and ADA soil. Gravel sustained the plants ok... I saw improved growth with laterite, and in the ADA aquasoil, plants grow like crazy... so I guess the bottom line is it is not required that you spend the money on laterite or aquasoil (or similar products), but they are not exactly gimmicks either... they really do increase the growth rate, and in some instances, the health of your plants, especially in root feeders. What kind of plants are you planning on growing? That could be the determining factor as to whether or not it is worth the extra money for special substrate.
Good advice you've gotten from the other posters.

I have several planted tanks, and started each one with existing gravel.

Are you looking at low light or high light plants?

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