ph during cycle

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 17, 2011
North Carolina
Hey, I have a question about the pH in a tank while establishing the bacteria colony. my natural tap water is about 6.8-7.0 but quickly drops to 6.4-6.6. I know that you are not supposed to mess with the pH unless absolutely necessary. In fact, the fish I want thrive in slightly acidic water (betta, corys, ottos). I am just concerned that the bacteria will not be able to establish itself in the lower pH. Should I be worried? I would rather not mess with the pH if the fishless cycle will still do fine.
The level shouldn't be a concern unless you're approaching the low 6's. The problem is that low pH water also tends to be low in alkalinity which is prone to pH fluctuations and crashes, especially during cycling. I would proceed as normal, but if you see your level dropping might be worth considering adding crushed coral or aragonite to buffer the water and keep pH stable to prevent crashes. Check out the guide in my has some info about using CC when needed.
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