Pics Pleco saying helo to angle

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My pleco rules my tank. NOBODY messes with him, he goes hwere he wants hwen he wants.
Great pic! It looks like a great poster for a B-movie - Attack of the Pleco. :lol:
Even though plecs are gentle giants, your angel looks surprised/a bit frightened.
Even though plecs are gentle giants, your angel looks surprised/a bit frightened.

I might look a bit concerned too if I saw a mouth the size of my body just a few inches away like that.

Actually, I'm pretty good at reading lips, and it looks like the angel is saying, "fish are friends--NOT FOOD!" :lol:
hahahaha! that's the first thing i thought too! big dopey pleco saying "hi" and poor little angel fish looking over his shoulder in horror at this gigantic suckermouth coming at him. it's a great pic!
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