Pictus with chiclids

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 26, 2012
Central Minnesota
As anybody successfully kept chiclids with pictus cats? I have 2 pictus soon going into my 90 gallon but I was thinking getting chiclids. Not even sure what other fish would go. I know they eat small fish but I'm not sure how small, need some 3+ inch fish.
What else do you currently have in the 90 gallon tank?? If its brand new I would highly suggest not starting with pictus cats since they are bottom feeders and the tank needs to cycle before bottom guys are added

I have had great success with pictus cats and African cichlids (jewel cichlids mostly) remember to change the tank when you do water changes so that cichlids can't establish a territory and that will help ease the transition for everyone when you o to add them

Hope it works out cause pictus are amazing fish they have such personalities
I don't have anything in there yet it's almost done cycling. I have them with platys and mollies in a 20 gallon. I actually got all my fish at one time 24 hours after i got it set up. Beginners mistake! I only lost one Molly. I don't have my tank set up for chiclids and I don't know how to do that. Here's a pic of my tank. If I get chiclids what would I need to add or chane? I was just going to get some gourami and rainbowfish but think chiclids are gorgeous!


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Thats alot of fish at one time, got lucky you only lost 1. That's the thing when starting out you don't know what works until you try and sometimes fail but that's how you learn.

Cichlids would be a great fit for that tank and I would suggest getting the cichlids and putting them in there and let them get settled before you add the pictus.

What is the rating of the filter you have in the tank. The down pipe seems a bit small for the size of tank but that might be just me.
It's an aquaclear 110. It does seem small to me too. I added an extension on the intake after the pic. I might get another one in a month or two depending on how stocked it is. I like the www.aqadvice.com site. I've been using it nonstop but once I figure out what chiclids I want it will tell me what my filtration capacity is. Do u do SA chiclids or African? I prefer african if my pictus will be good with them. Any specific fish that's good for beginners? I'm assuming I'll need some sort of large holy rock for them?
Ok so it wasn't just me thinking it was short.

The 110 should Definately be enough to cycle that tank, thats what i have for my 75g and its been great. I have had both SA and Africans but I prefer Africans I find they have more personality then the SA and I have had better luck with them. I personally like the electric yellows or kenyii blues but the kenyiis can get really aggressive and when they mature the wash out in color especially the males.

The Africans are pretty hardy fish so I don't think you will have to limit yourself being a newer aquarist. I would Definately get some "holey" things, I used planting pots and just broke a side of it, worked great for me and they are pretty cheap.
So other than than getting stuff like that for them can I still have the plants and rocks I have now? I may after some time switch out all the decor. Will that stress them out with having to get "new territory"?
FishyBusiness said:
So other than than getting stuff like that for them can I still have the plants and rocks I have now? I may after some time switch out all the decor. Will that stress them out with having to get "new territory"?

Unfortunately you get have real plants with the cichlids. Well actually you can try but they are known for terroring them up and digging them up so it's not advise.

Changing the decor doesn't stress them at all and it's good to do it every so often so that the cichlids don't claim a territory. Especially when you go to add the pictus I would change the decor lay out every water change
I have no problem keeping fake plants, lol. So for now I can leave my tank the way it is but include some chiclid rocks or tunnels for them, correct? Next month I'll be able to splurge on a whole setup. Would a bristlenose pleco be okay in there too? Also, what are some good colorful Africans that are good? Can I have 2 of the same one or just one of each? Sorry for all this, I don't mean to be too "silly" just trying to get it figured out. :)
FishyBusiness said:
I have no problem keeping fake plants, lol. So for now I can leave my tank the way it is but include some chiclid rocks or tunnels for them, correct? Next month I'll be able to splurge on a whole setup. Would a bristlenose pleco be okay in there too? Also, what are some good colorful Africans that are good? Can I have 2 of the same one or just one of each? Sorry for all this, I don't mean to be too "silly" just trying to get it figured out. :)

Fake plants are a great idea, with the colors and durability out there now a days. You are correct about the tank setup and having to add caves. A pleco would work great just make sure to get a decent size one atleast compareable to the cichlids so he can defend himself if needed.

Color is preference to the person, I love the colors of the electric yellows.

You can Definately house more then one of the same cichlid with no issue, but when you go to mix different cichlids make sure to get Africans.

No questions are a bad/silky one when you have people willing to share knowledge and experiences with you
I'm glad your being so helpful. I've been on google for a bit now and found two I really really like! The electric yellow lab (labidochromis caeruleus) and the yellow tail acei (pseudotropheus acei). Both get 5-6". I read somewhere you should get them all at once but I really don't want to do that. Obviously change the landscape around when I get a new one but if I get just a couple each week over about 6 weeks would that be okay? Thanks so much for your help!
Oops one more thing sorry...

I was just on www.aqadvisor.com and I put in the yellow labs and pictus and they gave me a warning that mbuna species shouldn't be mixed with pictus. Wonder if I should try it anyway. My pictus are still young only had them for a month so maybe put them in before any chiclids because there more aggressive than cats? I don't want to get rid of them.
FishyBusiness said:
Oops one more thing sorry...

I was just on www.aqadvisor.com and I put in the yellow labs and pictus and they gave me a warning that mbuna species shouldn't be mixed with pictus. Wonder if I should try it anyway. My pictus are still young only had them for a month so maybe put them in before any chiclids because there more aggressive than cats? I don't want to get rid of them.

I had my pictus with electric yellows and had no issues at all, so it's really up to you, I would advise not putting the pictus in first though, I've never had success starting with bottom feeders to start a tank, again up to you just my experience.
I'll wait then. Would it be okay to put in sy 5-8 yellows tonight then pictus this weekend then over a few weeks add more africans or wait until it's fully stocked? Would the necessary overstocking of Africans bother the pictus?
FishyBusiness said:
I'll wait then. Would it be okay to put in sy 5-8 yellows tonight then pictus this weekend then over a few weeks add more africans or wait until it's fully stocked? Would the necessary overstocking of Africans bother the pictus?

Just gotta remember that african cichlids do get large, the electric yellow getting to 6-8 inches depending so you don't want to over crowd especially since they can become territorial. I would suggest start with 5-6 and get only 2 males so the aggression is minimized and then let them get settled before adding the pictus. Overstocking shouldn't affect the pictus but I don't know foresure I try not to overstock if I can avoid it
I got my first chiclids tonight! There acclimating now. I'm actually having a problem with my ph and alkaline not as high as the stores. (see my thread in the freshwater > chiclid discussion... Anyway, I was thinking... How would the pictus get enough food? Aren't the chiclids pigs? I have sinking pellets but I think they'll eat them before the pictus do... What do you do? I won't add them for quite some time since the fish are all 1-1.5". They are VERY small!
FishyBusiness said:
I got my first chiclids tonight! There acclimating now. I'm actually having a problem with my ph and alkaline not as high as the stores. (see my thread in the freshwater > chiclid discussion... Anyway, I was thinking... How would the pictus get enough food? Aren't the chiclids pigs? I have sinking pellets but I think they'll eat them before the pictus do... What do you do? I won't add them for quite some time since the fish are all 1-1.5". They are VERY small!

Cichlids do eat alot yes but they don't get everything and Pictus are great at finding food. I fed my cichlids in the morning and around dinner time and then when I went to turn the lights off for "bedtime" I fed again and the cichlids would rarely eat at that time so most went to the Pictus. That's what worked for me as far as feeding them
FishyBusiness said:
How long have you kept your pictus and malowi together?

I don't have my pictus anymore, but I had them together for close to a year. I gave them to my brother in law and he had unfortunate luck and lost them all with a power outage
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