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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 12, 2012
hello all, i upgraded from a 37 gal to a 75 gal with 20 gal sump (freshwater set-up) I have 1 oscar in this tank thats it! i do own other fish but thats a different topic. now I cycled this system by adding amonia well before putting the O in his new home he has been happily living there for the past 6 weeks. I went to do my 30% weekly water change and when i was vacuming out the gravel i noticed these tiny wom like thing being sucked up and read up and seem to be planaria or something along that line... now they are not bothering my O in any way i can tell but how do get rid of them?
I only feed hime once a day as is and he eats it all.
another question is why are they in this tank but never any other tank i have had? I have had much much messy fish tanks to my regret. this is the first tank i cycled using amonia could this be related somehow?
any help on how to rid my tank of them would be great cant vacume enought to get them all out.
Don't feed for a few days.
, then slowly feed tiny amounts of food. Boost up your water changes and vacuum the gravel really well. That ought to get fid of them!
thanks 5 days later feeding only every other day and 2 20% water change/gravel vac and some bausman gold & tropical fish tonic which i never heard of and was skeptical about putting in my tank. and no more planaria. has anyone else ever head of or used this product? "bausman gold and tropical fish tonic? my mother recomended it to me and was very hard to find. she has much more fish knowledge then I.
Never heard of it but did some looking. It has an interesting array of simple ingredients- mainly salts, meth blue, aspirin and potassium bromide (which is a small animal sedative/antiseizure med). Not sure if I understand the purpose of the mix beyond the salt & meth blue but I guess if it worked for you, thats all that matters! :)

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