Planning to add to my tank in august, wanted some opinions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 7, 2004
West Virginia
I've got a 10 gal FW tank, moderately planted (two dwarf lillies, a banana plant, a few others that I don't know, and duckweed), with an Aquaclear 150 filter, Tetratec Deepwater air pump, a single tube light (I believe it is a Life-Glo, not sure), and a health population of pest snails.

In august I will be returning my Clown Loach with my baby mollies to the LFS and will be getting some new fish and plants for the tank.

I want to add:
2 freshwater clams
3 Threadfin Rainbow fish
some small shrimp (preferably around .5" long)
Water Sprite (floating)

Any suggestions on what kind of shrimp to get? I was thinking Ghost shrimp because of price, thought I would really like something even smaller.
ghost shrimp stay pretty small... its the indian prawn that looks very similiar to ghost shrimp that get pretty huge.
I know ghost shrimp are still pretty small, but I was trying to think of something that is full sized at .5", something out-right tiny.
Thanks for the sites, they're great!

These two look interersting, though with shipping costs I might be restricted by what the LFS can get:

Red-Nosed Shrimp
Hawaiian Red Shrimp
Cherry shrimp are fabulous and are extremely small. I vote for them - especially since the males look like a fully cooked lobster in miniature (minus the claws, of course...)
Thanks for the help with the shrimp guys :D

Does anyone have any experience keeping freshwater clams in thier aquarium??
Do not get freshwater clams, especially in a tank that small. They can be hard to feed and die without you realizing it. When they do die, they can foul up the tank water extremely fast as they decompose.
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