plant advise would be much appreciated

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
The infomation on these board are excelent...

I thought I was an advanced aquariumist, but after seeing some pic’s and discussions I have a long way to go..

I love planted aquariums but always struggle to keep plants alive in my 6ft 140gallon tank, from reading info here it sounds like I have no chance..

Some plant advise would be much appreciated, I have a range of fish, 8 bristle nose cat fish and large Hypostomus punctatus,3 Bala Sharks, Some Congo tetra’s, peacock Cicild, 6 yellow lab’s and, about 10 ciclild that look like convict without the strips and about 10 large tetra that look like Bala sharks but have striped tails Oh and some serpea tetra’s and one clown loach… amazing all the fish get along very well with very very little aggression.

My tank is running 2 canister style filters flow 1200 and 800 liter an hour..(475 gallons) and under gravel system with 2 power head flowing a total of about 2000litres an hour (475gallons)… this pushes me over the 5 times tank turn over figure suggested and my light I believe is a major problem. I’m using a tube called Powerglo fluorescent aquarium tubes I don’t know if these are just an Aussie tube or available word wide but I image there similar everywhere. I have a 36” and 3 off 24” tubes with these tubes I only have an output of 90watts… about ¾ of a watt per gallon. I could do some shuffling and might be able to get another 36” and 24” increasing my watts to 140watt, which would be about 1 watt per gallon.

Any thought or advice would be appreciated, am I wasting my time with plants and should look at trying to make it look like a dry river bed style tank instead….
Note: This should have it's own thread.

However, since it's here, I agree...your lighting is one problem. At 3/4w per gallon, and that sized tank, there isn't enough light for the plants.

What type of substrate are you using?
What plants do you currently have?
What are your levels for NO3, PO4 and KH?

The UGF may also be a hinderance, just not sure on that sized tank.
You definitely have a lack of light. The bulb is ok, but you need like, 3x as many to be in a good range for most plants.

UGF's are also a pain for planted tanks, as some plants won't root properly, and others will send roots into the UGF, clogging it, and then when you transplant it, you tear the roots to shreds.
not that i can help much on that topic but i noticed your an AUSSIE! about time i found someone else from australia on here. haha

good luck!

Us Aussie pop up everywhere.... there must be a ton on these boards mitch86, I’m from down town Brisvegus were you from?

I'm a bit of a Forum Junky... Great source of information, I'm at the age were I'd like to learn for advice and not from bad (expense) experiences ...

Jchillin -
I haven't tested my water yet, I imagine my water is quite soft being 100% rain water. I never really thought about NO3, PO4 and KH in fresh water I only use to test levels in the marine tank I had. In fresh water I only check PH and make sure I have very good filtration. I'm off down to the Aquarium shop for a Nitrate and hardest test kit on Saturday and will post back.

Greenmagi –
Thanks for the heads up on high output tubes…. This is one area I’m really going to look into, My best friend is an Industrial electrician so I hope he can help.

I was always under the impression the NM of light was the most important part and not so much the watts. Also on tubes isn’t the light spectrum important for plants too?... Like normal household tubes put out to much light in the red spectrum I thought and promoted brown algae growth. Is the spectrum only important for Marine coral?.

I see we are starting to get more affordable compact MH light in Australia, this would be one way to kick my watt level up in a hurry. These are manly push for the Marine side of things but on a 6 foot tank might be just the ticket?

Malkore –
Yeah the UGF is a problem, unfortunately it’s not something I want to pull out. It a huge job, It one of those 5 year jobs. The gravel base is every thick but only the small pea style gravel.

Sorry long post again!
OH thanks Admin for moving the topic to a more appropriate spot!!!
haha brisvegus :p im form perth other side of aussie land.

yeah the best site ive come accross and very helpful people.
Dogz, malkore put light in terms I understood when (some time ago) he said that in freshwater you care about quantity of light, not quality. Lumens hitting the tank is the variable you care most about, and surely MH will get you there, but I would think ODNO your most cost effective choice. Checked out the lighting and other stickys in this forum yet?

If keeping UGF, how about >1wpg and having a mosses, anubias, and java fern tank?
Tested my water and was hoping for some input please

PH -6.8
KH - between 0 and 3 d
GH - >6 d
NO2 - 0
NO3 - between 50 and 100mg/l

my tap water house supply(tank rain water)

PH - 7
KH - between 0 and 3
GH - >3 d
NO2- 0
NO3 -0

it looks like I need to increase the hardness of the water up but how do you do this? I don't have the PO4 test kit yet

what do you think so far?. the fish seem happy but!
yet sounds promising.. LOL at least your planning on geting the PO4 test kit..

as far as water hardness is conserned... you should be able to get a more accurate reading from a liquid testkit that a range of 3.. what test kit are you using for KH?
and If you do alot of big water changes the kh being low is fine.. I think travis has some of the best advise on buffering water up using bakeing soda and some dry fert. from gregwattsons that ive seen.. I havnt been able to memorize it to type it here.LOL

I think overdriving 3 24" dual fixtrures would be the cheapest way to get ~330-375watts or about 15000 lumens (conservitive estamates) of light that I can think of for your size tank..that would get you up to medium light. If you would want to go for a high light or very high light tank then making a custom DIY light strip with ODNO, CF, or T5's would be an option you would just need to match up the amount of bulbs you want with the ballast that would do the job.. PM me if you need any help picking out something..MH is also an option, if DIYed the hardware is cheaper but the bulbs are still expensive..eek... HTH
We don’t seem to have that same options here in Australia as in the US with DIY, the main problem I’m having is Ballast and 240volts options. I did talk to a guy in a hydroponics store today with an enclosed PC light with reflector at 95watt and 6400k, I thought of 2 of these and keeping the 4 normal grow lux tubes I have ( 90watts) would get me in the 280watt range and the compact fluorescents run cool so I could still keep them under my hood.

I’m struggling getting that PH up. I very bad on water changes.... once every couple of months, I try to manatain PH with air increase PH I normaly increase air bubbles.
how in the heck is increasing airation suppose to increase ph?
I didnt even think about you guys being on the 240v. system.. Try looking in the phone book for commersial lighting suppy companies, they would have at least the ballasts for ODNO in 240volt options (the bussiness, warehouses, schools and churches likely would need some floresent light and this is were they would get the ballasts)
Ways to raise the pH
· Aerate the water, driving off the carbon dioxide (CO2)
· Filter over coral or limestone
· Add rocks containing limestone to the tank or use a coral sand substrate
· Use a commercial alkaline buffer

Ways to lower pH
· Filtering water over peat
· Add bogwood to the tank
· Inject carbon dioxide CO2
· Use a commercial acid buffer
· Water changes with softened water or RO (Reverse Osmosis) water

I allway worked on more O2 the PH will increase, CO2 ph decrease

I can find high output tubes, I can find the standard ballast stuff. I can't find the output 4 pin tube you guys seem to have in the US.

Say for Eg. a 3 foot tube has a max rating of 25watts, I can find any high output or compact tube 3 ft long at the 40watt to 50watt range at 6500k.

chime in any Aussie who can point me in the right direction
Took a snap shot of my tank I want to add plant to...

the only green stuff at the moment in plastic
I must admit the new range of plastic plants arn't to bad but still not half as good as the real stuff


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It seems, as indicated by others, that getting more light in there is the first thing. How much light, really depends on what plants you want. Beyond that, if you choose to go with higher light (over 2wpg), then you need to think CO2, special substrate etc.

6ft long and 140 gallons? is it a short height tank? is it 18" wide?

But realistically, you can probably get like 2x40 (48" long) watt fixtures, both would run about $20.00US total at my local hardware store. You would put them at a slight angle so they overlap a little in the middle. You would have a little over 1wpg, a nice place to start for no-CO2 and lowlight plants.

ODNO, etc can come later as your experince with plants grows.
thanks all for lighting tips.....

After going to 6 shops I found 1 that sell PC lights, Aussie made for 240volts
I bought a 4 ft fitting with 4 55watt bulbs, that and with 20 watt standard bulbs I'm up to 250watts....might have half a chance now with plants

Zezmo - It just a standard 6ft x 2ft x2ft tank
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