Plant Pics

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 1, 2003
ok, these are just some preliminary shots, still trying to get the hang of this cam.
Nice plants!! Mabye you could suggest a few easy, low light ones for my 35 gal indoor pond?

well, duckweed will grow in just about any light ... similar to star-trek's tribble, the more (light) you feed them, the more they will reproduce!

anacharis will grow well in low-medium light you just need to wait for it to adapt., another is hornwort or foxtail, green cabomba

except for the duckweed, those are all bunch plants and inexpensive

problem being with ponds is unless a plant is nasty, the fish will most likely eat it. my parents goldfish can consume a whole bag (1 qt ziplock FULL) of duckweed within hours. The also enjoyed eating anacharis, amazon swords, arrow-head, pretty much anything ... the anacharis grew fast enough to combat their eating, but didn't look so good.
cam is a Nikon Coolpix 5700

5 MP, 8X Optical Zoom, Nikkor ED lense

the lense is 35mm equiv of 35mm to 280mm optical zoom and up to 24x with digital zoom.

the pics above are all taken in close up macro mode, between 2" and 4"

the sunset hygro plant was about 2" across, even though it looks big in the pic - and check out the water ripple lines reflected on the leaves - I got lucky with that.

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