Planted 20 Build

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If the one said Repens then it's Ludwigia Repens and the other if it said small form then it's most likely Dwarf Cardinal Plant.
Staurogyne Repens that's what it is. Also will the dwarf cardinal keep its purple in a riparium?
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No the purple color is it's emmersed form color. It will be green once it's fully changed to its immersed form. It's a shame it doesn't stay that color.
Yes it is isn't it. I guess thats gonna be a plant for my riparium. Will it go back to purple going from submersed to emersed.
Here's a couple quick shots ill post up more next weekend after I give the tank a real good clean. I got 2 olive nerites from peabodys with my last plant purchase so mabey they will help some I'd still like to get a few more so I can put the olives in my 10 a thorne one in my Betta bowl then have a tiger Zorro and zebra in this one.



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Mostly I think the myrio could be brighter. Most pics I see if myrio tuberculatum it is more yellow than mine. And the cabomba lost a lot of it bright pinkish red.
When I had Myrio Tuberculatum in the 220 it was almost a rust color. Many plants it seems turn various shades or colors under different intensity and color spectrum lights. My Cabomba Furcata has dark rust and brick red tops. Mine never have been pink topped.
Oh. The cabomba when I first got it was from bottom to tip green, rust, brick red then bright reddish/pinkish almost. Ya my myrio went from green and some yellowishorange to just a rust color I was really hoping for that orangeish yellow color from the picture on peabodys.
My wife's 20 round one of plants. Well here it is what do you all think. I would like to know the good the bad and the ugly. Does it look like I'm doing anything wrong? I'm a big boy I can handle constructive criticism.

The setup

Baby tears. Dwarf or not I'm not sure what do you think?

Marsilia sp. "Water Clover or Water Shamrock"

Amazon Sword.

Unknown there's been a small debate weather its an anubias or a water lily. Hopefully someone can clarify. I have more pics of it if needed.

The light and its info.according to current USA it has a par rating of ~70@24" and ~250@6" or so they say.

Diy co2. Seems to work great. In a few months I might switch to pressurized when I add more plants.

The fertilizers for now. Once I have more plants I'm going to do the pps-pro method.

Filtration is a Fillstar XpM just mechanical and biological untill I find out weather or not the API bio-chem zorb is plant friendly.

The stock is just a single 3" Male? Gold Labidochromis.

Hope yall enjoy and I really would like to know what yall think.

Where did you get that thing in the background ?
I got a couple plants in today got them growing emersed untill there's enough there to fill in the areas I need filled also have something special coming later this week can't wait and I hope it takes in my tank. Now the only thing left to get (for this tank) is a pair of apistogrammas.

I'm going to do a microsword/HC carpet not sure how yet but I know imma have to move a few plants so I can add my driftwood so ill be waiting to add the dw untill theese plants grow in.
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I've put moss on DW that honestly was almost completely brown and it came back to life. It may take some time but as long as it has a touch of green it will grow! Tank is looking good BTW!
Thanks! Now I just need to get it carpeted and it should be 100% planted. Oh and add some more lighting.





Do you think that piece on the dw trunk will create a tree like effect? Or will it just make a mess after it grows all in?


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I've seen that done and if you keep the moss trimmed properly it will work. Give everything some time before making any decisions. The moss is green enough it will bounce back fine. You should see how much fissidens moss I removed off my DW and it's already growing back. IMO it's pretty hard to kill! Something else to watch is be sure your fert levels stay up. The more plants the more ferts they use. Since adding the CO2 in the 220 I'm having to dose even more ferts.
Ya I'm thinking I might have to up the csm+b and the phosphates soon but not sure how much I should up them. The hygro is getting spots and the ammania is not looking to happy. Oh and what's with the one red leaf on the marble radican sword?
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