Planted 20 Gallon Update

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 2, 2010
Houston, Texas
It has been about 5 days since I've set up the plants in my tank and I think it's time for an update. Please excuse the algae on the tank; I let it all grow out for a few days so my Otos would have something to eat. I heard that the highest period of mortality for otos was the first few weeks and I thought that providing them a smorgasbord of algae (brown diatoms, green beard, some thread algae, and some other algae I can't identify, it's not spot algae and it's not dark enough to be cyano but it grows like it but my otos love it so I'm not worried) would allow them to acclimate better.

Water parameters-
20ppm Nitrates
CO2- 25ppm
Ammonia and Nitrites- 0
I know after only 5 days there wouldn't be much growth but you'd be wrong!
My vals have all grown out runners and new leaves likewise with my DHG, and also my Ludwigia Ovalis has sprouted roots and buds all over. Nothing much is changing on my Java fern, although it is noticeably greener and pearling like mad.

Here are Pics:
Though I never actually see my otos eating diatoms, they must be pigging out when I go to bed. Half of the stuff in tanks with diatoms was gone after about 1.5 days.

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