Planted tank substrate

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 27, 2013
I was wondering what everyone suggests to use for substrate in a planted aquarium. Right now I just have gravel.

Also, should I remove plants from the pots?

I would reccomend eco-complete, its less than other brands and works reallllyyy well for me. And with the pots I would reccomend taking them out, but you dont have to
Right now I just have Amazonian swords and red melon swords.

Is it necessary to add CO2? Right now it just seems like an added expense. Thoughts?
I nave swords as well!! I just have eco complete, and thyre doing great!! They send out runners for me about every 1 to 2 months, I had about 9 runners on one stem!! Ppl say u need c02...dont listen to them!! Just a good subtrate and occasional flourish dosing and theyll domfine
Its true you don't need co2 to have A nice planted aquarium. But if you do want to use co2 but don't want to spend a ton of money liquid carbon is a good solution. I does API co2 booster everyday in my plans are doing great !!!
What do you do with runners? I have some right now that are just free floating because I don't know what to do with them.
Did u take them off the mother plant yet? If not leave them there until they get about 2 inches long or until they have a good root system
And if u already took them off.. I would bury it in your substate, and add some kind of a root tab...or u can also use clay pots and crush it into small pieces and bury them next to the runners
If you are trying to keep it cheap check out saf t sorb from tractor supply. Take the plants out of the pots and remove as much of the rock wool as possible. Putting the pot in a container of water will help loosen up the rock wool as well.
^^ a good cheap substrate. One downside is how dusty it is. Tractor Supply also carries black diamond, a sand like substrate $8, 50 lb bag. I use it as a cap on dirt.
Great things to consider!thanks for the pointers :)

I read that if you leave the rock wool attached it will cause root rot. Is that true?
I wouldn't go for black diamond sand, it contains little metal shrapnel which can harm your bottom feeders. U can try and rinse it out , but it never worked when I had it
Oh yeah I was reading online about it, and I heard when ppl would clean their gravelnthey wouldnget cut from it...and their bottom feeders would loose their barbels or watever their called lol
That's insane! I can't believe that it can be sold for use in tanks.
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