Plants an fertilizers

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 6, 2012

Have anyone used pond fertilizer spikes in a planted aquarium?

I bought one called Laguna mini fertilizer spikes from a pet store, they claimed to be safe for fish.

But it's been a week since I added them and I'm showing ammonia and high nitrates on my tank.

Please can someone tell me if it's the fertilizer or is this is just a mini cycle?

Thank you
Not knowing what is in the fertilizer spikes and your water readings were fine before adding them, then I'd say most likely its the fertilizer spikes. I'd remove them if that possible if it was my tank.

Have anyone used pond fertilizer spikes in a planted aquarium?

I bought one called Laguna mini fertilizer spikes from a pet store, they claimed to be safe for fish.

But it's been a week since I added them and I'm showing ammonia and high nitrates on my tank.

Please can someone tell me if it's the fertilizer or is this is just a mini cycle?

Thank you

Hello A...

If the fert spikes are for pond use, then there's nothing in them that's toxic to fish. If you're following a sound tank maintenance routine, including changing out half the tank water every week, then your fish will be fine. The large, frequent water changes will prevent toxins from building up in the water.

Rivercats said:
Not knowing what is in the fertilizer spikes and your water readings were fine before adding them, then I'd say most likely its the fertilizer spikes. I'd remove them if that possible if it was my tank.

Done I took them out and made a 40% water change. I'll see tomorrow what my readings are.

Thank you
BBradbury said:
Hello A...

If the fert spikes are for pond use, then there's nothing in them that's toxic to fish. If you're following a sound tank maintenance routine, including changing out half the tank water every week, then your fish will be fine. The large, frequent water changes will prevent toxins from building up in the water.


Well they don't say anything about nitatrates spikes in the water, but I have read some articles over the Internet, on different brands of pond fertilizers that some people complained about the same thing. That's why I ask ;)

Thank you
Check the label to see if it uses ammonium nitrate as a fertilizer. Also, if you don't bury some root tabs deep enough, the will leak into the water column and cause issues.
aqua_chem said:
Check the label to see if it uses ammonium nitrate as a fertilizer. Also, if you don't bury some root tabs deep enough, the will leak into the water column and cause issues.

I through the package away I'll check in the Internet. Thanks
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