Platties, Barbs and Angels?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 19, 2003

I've got 4 Sunset Platties and 4 Tiger Barbs and was wondering if i would be able to introduce some Angel fish sometime?

I am a bit worried that the Barbs will nip the tails of the Angels.

If not, would small or larger Angels be better?

It will be a little while before i introduce more fish as i have 30 odd Platy fry that are about 3/4 weeks old now, but still in the nursery because of the Barbs.

Any advice welcomed.


Jon. :lol:
the tiger barbs will nip there nice long fins, it MIGHT work if you have more tiger barbs, like 10 or more plus it depends on the tank size.
OK. Thanks.

The tank size is 55 litres.

The thought i had was also with the tank capacity. I dont want to overcrowd the fish. With 4 plates and 4 barbs, there is also the 30 fry :D
So i'll wait a bit before adding any more, and see what happens with the 3/4 week old fry.

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