Platy help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 10, 2014
I have at least six platies a mixture of male and females and I have them in a 40 gallon tank for six months now and I have had absolutely no breeding going on for my platies. Yet my guppies that are in the same tank have absolutely no issues breeding. And neither my platies or my guppies have an issue with each other. so why are my platies not breeding but my guppies are?
Need more info......
Do you test the water with a liquid test kit? Temp of tank? Water change schedule?
And I change my water twice a week a 20% change each time. and I understand that they eat their fry but it don't make sense that they would eat their Frey but the guppies don't. The tank is very peaceful
Sounds like you re doing a good job on maintenance . The temps a little high, I d lower it to 77 max.
Maybe they re too young?
Well I have had them for four months now. So I would think that they were old enough to breed seen as they were full-grown when I got them. But honestly I don't know I've never had issues with my fish not breeding except for the neon Tetras LOL but there is no way that those were going to breed for me anyways without me doing something special but since platies are live Barers. And amongst the easy to breed fish I just don't get why it's taking so long. And beginning to wonder if I need to get some more platys of like a different varieties
Yeah I honestly don't know what's going on with them lol. Like I said I've never had issues with my fish breeding and all the conditions of my tank are favorable for breeding. So I guess I'll get a few more females and see if that helps
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