Please help me figure this one out!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 5, 2016

I am trying to figure out what is going on in my tank. I have a newly cycled 47 gallon tank with the following readings:

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5ppm

I decided that I wanted to have some soft water fish (german rams). My tap water is generally hard. I have RO installed under my kitchen sink so I figured if I did half RO and half tap that would soften the water enough to home these beautiful creatures. So I went to work doing just that. I took out half of the water in the tank and then added RO water back into it. My tap water readings are as follows:

Tap Water
GH 11
KH 8
PH 8.2

After I added the RO..

1/2 Tap & 1/2 RO
GH 8
KH 4
PH 7.6

So I finished up last night figuring everything was okay and put the little guys in. I checked the water this morning and the readings were as follows:

GH 8
KH 8
PH 7.2

Then this evening I noticed the fish breathing hard and floating at the top of the tank so I measured again:

GH 9
KH 4
PH 7.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5ppm

What am I missing? Why are my fish not doing well? Is there anything I can do to save the little guys? I have theories but nothing concrete. Could it be the KH and PH fluctuations?

Any help is much appreciated. They are going downhill fast.

Any idea of the KH, GH, and pH of the water where the fish were purchased?
How were the fish acclimated to the tank's water?
I think the fluctuations you mentioned may be the culprit.
I have not kept them, but my understanding is that GBRs require a WELL established tank in order to have success with them. Not sure what you need to do in order to save them.

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As far as the LFS parameters.. I just know they use RO. I've bought from them before for my other tank and not had any problems acclimating them to tap so I thought all would be well. Lesson learned I guess. I acclimated them via drip for an hour. Temp was the same. I had not heard they needed a well established tank. Maybe it is the fluctuations??
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