Please help me.. I think I'm killing my fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 29, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I own a 10-gallon take of three platies.

A few weeks ago, a bought a container of "dried bloodworms" which the salesperson told me were great for any tropical fish. After I gave it to my fish, one died. (She just stopped having an appetite, did nothing but sit in the corner by herself, etc.) But I didn't think it was because of the bloodworms.

Tonight, I gave my three remaining fish another small amount of bloodworms. One of them took one bite, and then instantly started to act weird after. She wouldn't eat anything more.. now she swims around, opening and closing her mouth a lot and sits on the bottom. Its as if she can't get oxygen or something.

So my questions, which I hope someone knows the answer to:
1) Are bloodworms harmful to platies? Can I get my money back from the store?
2) How can I save my sick fish? She won't eat, or swim around anymore and she used to be the happiest fish ever.
3) Whats with the mouth constantly opening and closing? Am I right about maybe her having a hard time breathing?

Thanks very much!

I do not know much about bloodworms, but have found that you can feed them to them, as well as baby brine shrimp, and flake food. Have you checked any of the water parameters, (IE ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, pH) ? How long has the tank been established?

Maybe something else is awry in the tank besides the food.
Yes testing your parameters is the first step. Second doing a water change as a precautionary measure can't hurt, unless you have just done one then no need. Perhaps there is something wrong with that bottle of dried bloodworms. Frozen bloodworms might be better and entice her to eat. You could lower the tank water level a bit to allow more splashing from your filter if you have a HOB filter. Or install an airstone. Any othr symptoms you notice other than what you described? Any physical skin or gill changes?
I know this is bad, but I don't know how to check the parametres :(
Well, her gulls are moving a lot, just as much as her mouth is opening in closing. For the most part, she is either sitting on the bottom, or swimming at the surface as if she's trying to get air.
I just cleaned the water and tank. I don't understand why they are dying one by one though. If there was something wrong with my tank, or the bloodworms, wouldn't they all be sick?
Your ammonia levels are too high and are burning you fishes gills. If you can change 50% of your water as soon as possible. Be sure to add dechlor and keep the temp as close as possible to the temp in the tank.
And no not all the fish would necessarily be sick at once. Each fish's immune system is different. I would do the pwc asap and do one each day until you can get a test kit to monitor the tank parameters.
Yes, check your water parameters. While it could be food poisoning (it is possible you got a bad batch of food that was somehow contaminated), that seems less likely.
I use one of those vacuum things to get all the crap out of the gravel.. that takes out almost 50% of the water. Then I fill it up again with conditioned tap water.
She just died :(

I feel so guilty. Now I have two fish left, and one is a violent bully. So I'm keeping her in a breeding net because she keeps antagonizing the other one. Now the one outside of the net appears very lonely (if fish are even capable of that emotion, I'm not sure) but she just sits in one spot and doesn't move. I don't think she's sick, because she'll still eat and isn't gasping for air like the other one did. Is it possible she's just lonely?
Did the problems occur after the tank cleaning? do you have an undergravel filter? I lost half of a tank of fish because I disturbed an established undergravel filter. I have since stop using them. Get more advice on this subject, I have limited experience.
I have a bio-wheel filter which just broke yesterday when I cleaned the tank. Now it doens't do anything but make an annoying noise. I clean my tank every three weeks to a month. The violent fish has been bothering the other fish since June, I believe she may have contributed to the death of those other two fish.

My next step is to buy a new filter, and get a tester kit.

But why is this one just sitting there doing nothing? Honestly, is is possible she's not used to being alone so she's traumatized?
Based on your last post, it sounds that unless you have an air-stone, there is no circulation in the water, thus no (or little) oxygen. You have to keep the water moving to infuse oxygen into the water, or get an air-stone.

On a second note, this site recommends WEEKLY water changes, not monthly. that will assist in keeping your fish happy.

I would do another water change right now, about 25% for a dual purpose... #1 taking out any other contaminates in the water the previous 50% didn't remove, #2 replacing oxygen in the water by removing and adding water to the tank. Its also important to get a working filter or airstone ASAP... your fish could be suffocating
Could you explain to me exactly what an airstone is? And why would them not having one just start causing problems now? I've had the tank running for 7 months without any problems.
an airstone is a small rock shaped stone with pores that distributes air from a small pump into the aquarium... the stone and pump are relatively cheap...;category_id=3986;category_id=1625

you just plug in the pump.. connect an air hose to the airstone, and drop it in... it produces bubbles which oxygenate the water

this is only a temporary fix, non-filtration is attempted by some on this site but for novices (myself included) i recommend a working filtration system
You also stated after your water change that your filter wasn't working and just making a funny noise. I have a few recommendations for that.

#1 insure that you properly "primed" your filter. When a filter is empty you must fill it up with water before turning it on in order for it to continually pump water. Otherwise the mechanism in the filter spins dry, and won't suck water out of the tank making a terrible noise, and potentially burning the motor up in the filter

#2 insure that the impeller in the bottom of the filter (near the connecting power cord) isn't clogged up... if this small mechanism cant spin, it can't pump water.

Regular maintenance on the filter is required in order to keep it working properly. Please let me know more information on your HOB so i can assist in determining the problem

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