Please help me save my two year old angel fish!!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 19, 2003
I'm sort of a novice, but have had a 90 gallon tank for two years now with relatively zero problems....

All the sudden, however, my two year old angel fish became infected with something that ate his fins, all of them. I isolated him in a 10 gallon tank and seem to have stopped the infection w/ two treatments of Fungus Clear tabs from Fish Buddies over a week and a half period. All of his fins seem to be slowly growing back except for his pectoral fins. He can't maintain balance from side to side, and front and back. He keeps doing summer saults and laying on his side. He can't eat and is slowly starving to death. I don't know what to do....

I feel terrible that I can't help him, but don't want to euthanize him unless I absolutely have to. He SEEMS healthy now, he just can't control his movements, and therefore, can't eat.

Please help if at all possible!!!

I have seen this occur very frequently and I have yet to read of any angel recovering from this malady. The condition has no specific identity and has no cure as a result. I am sorry but if it's any consolation, he has been with you for two good years. From what I've read, it occurs most often with much younger angels.
I would think it would be very hard to save a fish at this state. If his balance is messed up from the loss of fins vs a bladder infection I have no idea what you could do to help this fish short of making the fish some type of contraption to maintain balance.
When you say "bladder infection", is it possible he has something that is making his swim bladder enlarge? It seems like he's a little bloated, and therefore, top heavy (IE: his belly seems swollen, maybe he's got too much air in his bladder???)

I don't know, he seems like he's still healthy, dammit...

Also, if his pecs got ate off by bacteria or whatever, cant' they grow back? All his other fins seem to be coming back OK...

I'm so pissed at myself for letting it come to this... JFC.... dammit!!! :(
You could also try melafix. Its a pretty mild antibacterial med that works wonders for fin regrowth. But if his pectorals were too badly damaged, it is possible they will not grow back.
I don't know if this will help any, but here's a couple pics of my angel. He lost his fins to a fin nipper, but he is swimming and eating just fine. He has been like this for about a year.


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Oh the poor fish, makes me sad to see photos like this. Dogfish - I do not have any advice for you but wanted to jump in here and say that my thoughts are with you and I hope your fish pulls through this!

Good luck!
OK, it's been a few days... All his fins continue to make a comback accept for the pecs. Dorsal, anal, ventral and tail are all coming back very well. His pec's aren't even changing a bit... I'm very upset.

He still can't keep his balance, he still can't eat, I can tell he's getting weaker and weaker.... It's nauseating to watch him flop around doing summer sault after summer sault and laying on his side... I can't stand it.....

Meredith, why are all of his other fins growing back and not his pecs???? I just don't understand?!?!?!?!?

Also, he seems to have lost some of the bloating since my last post, I'm hoping he's recovering, and not just losing body mass for the lack of eating...

Please help if you can, anyone... please....
snowangeltae said:
I don't know if this will help any, but here's a couple pics of my angel. He lost his fins to a fin nipper, but he is swimming and eating just fine. He has been like this for about a year.

I don't get it, my guy looks to have bigger and better fins (Obviously not braggin or anything, they just seem better suited to "swimming and maintaining balance" per say)... He WAS like that, and now his fins are growing back quickly... but why can't my boy keep his balance now, still???... it's like he's lost that part of his brain or something...
This is a quote from a website on finrot ... " Does the tissue grow back? In minor cases where only the fin tissue is affected it probably will, but in more advanced cases, particularly if the fin rays (bones) are affected, the chances of re-growth are slim"

I am guessing whatever has happened to your fish's fins, it affected the rays of pectorals more so than the others. I am also guessing that there is more going on with your fish than just finrot.

I know you really don't want to euthanize, but other than some of his fins growing back, he is showing no real signs of improvement. I don't want to be negative, but how many days has it been since he has eaten anything? I am really sorry but it does not seem to me like he is going to pull through this. If it were me, I would put him down rather than watch him starve to death.

I am so, so, sorry I can't help you more :(

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