Please help urgent nitrite

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 3, 2020
Hi, some background to my fish: Male betta, have had him for 2 months, only done a 30% water change few weeks ago and that’s the only one I’ve ever done to clean his tank since I got him. However, yesterday I changed my tank water yesterday, put new gravel in and installed a new filter media. I done this because his tank was sooo dirty with algae and poo etc, it was staining the whole tank. For the water change: I kept about 25%-30% of his water (Wish I kept more because I added more gravel than last time so I needed more water). For the new gravel: I just added it how by rinsing it and I also mixed some of his old gravel and gravel water with it too so I could keep the good bacteria. And for the filter media: I just cleaned off his old one in his old water and then I put the new filter media in his old water older for a bit. However, now my fish just seems to be hiding and he will occasionally swim around and then just hide. He didn’t eat today either (but I fed him twice yesterday when I usually feed him once, he may not just be hungry but he’s still not doing much). I done a water test and all other levels are fine but nitrate and nitrite are through the roof ridiculous. Could you help me please? I’d really appreciate it! I’m new to this stuff :/
You’ve killed off all the beneficial bacteria in the system by swapping out your gravel and media. You should also get in the habit of weekly water changes, should be easy on a betta tank.
Yes I realise that now, do u have any suggestion what I should do now?
I am **assuming** you already threw out the old filter media? If not get it back in the filter as long as it hasn't dried out. The only way I can think of to reduce the numbers until the bacteria gets a chance to rebuild is to do multiple water changes with RO or distilled water
Did you replace all his old gravel or just add more? Same as the filter media if you still have the old gravel and its not dry put it nack in the tank. The majority of the Beneficial Bactetoa in a tank is on/in the gravel, in the filyer media and on the plants & ornaments, very little is actually IN the watet
RO is Reverse Osmosis which is essentially *sterile* water with nothing in it.qhich is why when you normally use it in a tank it has to be remineralized
I’ve done a 50% water change today with temperature matching dechlorinated water.. shall I just wait now until tomorrow?
What are the actual numbers for ammonia nitrite and nitrate right now? That will tell you if you can afford to wait for another water change.

Read this article if you haven’t already because you’re basically re- cycling this tank.

I just learned about cycling but I already have fish. What now?! - Aquarium Advice

I’m assuming because you just gave us nitrite and nitrate values you’re using test strips. That’s not ideal and at a bare minimum you need a Liquid test kit for ammonia ASAP. Ideally all three would be liquid test kits.

What water dechlorinator are you using?
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