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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 3, 2005
Syracuse, New York
I have two female bettas in one tank and it seems that the first one keeps chasing around the second one. (Just bought the second one today) Is this a sign of a bigger problem developing later on. Like one being killed or something like that. Is there anything that can be done beyond separating them. Is this something that can be temporary.
This is an immediate problem if they are both males. Is there anyway you can separate them now and determine the sexes?

If they are opposite sexes, it will take awhile for them to get used to each other (they haven't had a tank mate in weeks).
If they really are both females then the bully is just at the top of the pecking ladder, you should either get rid of one, or else get another female so that the bullying is spread out rather than just focused on one fish. After establishing a pecking order the dominant one will keep asserting her place with constant reminders to the inferrior ones, so it is best also to have a few possible hiding places for the bullied to hide out at if needed.
male are more colorful and have longer fins, but the females are less colorful and have smaller fins. the males fins are very eloborate and look like a giant skirt
See one is very bland in color she is rather large and redish brown in color. Short fins I am positive she is a female. The other is smaller, Blue and red in color, has short fins though. I know what males look like because I have kept them for years. This is the thing though I have never seen a young male. The color on the blue/red one is rather vibrant but as I said it has very short fins and when I bought it is was in a tank with all female bettas and there seemed to be no problem. I guess it is a pecking order thing. I find it funny that the smaller one is the bully but I guess size doesn't really matter. Thanks alot for all the advice
we-ell i heard when keeping female bettas you must either:
keep only one per tank
have 3 or more.

Apparantly you are not sposed to ha ve two as they will fight too much.
I don't think you should have them together at all. My experience with female bettas is that they can be extremley aggressive to each other, and will fin nip and fight until they have no fins left to nip at. A friend I know had a species tank, and out of the 5 she began with, 1 survived.
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