Plecos not interested in algae wafers

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 1, 2004
Anchorage, AK
My 3 plecos don't seem that interested in the algae wafers. :? I have tried dropping them later in the evening, since I think they are night feeders. The other fish do check and nibble on the wafers, could they (and their activity) be keeping the plecos away? When I put fresh zuccinni in the tank they simply go wild and won't let anything bother them while they are munching.
Am I feeding them the right stuff? Am I missing something here? :?:
They keep going on the walls and seem almost frantic in the scraping. I don't see any algae, but I know you wouldn't always see a thin layer that they can eat.
put in the wafers when the tank light is off and the room is almost totally dark. if you can still see your fish, they can see the wafers and might scare away the plecos. once you put in the wafers, wait 5 minutes, then go check the tank with a dimmed flashlight. i put a sock over a flashlight, it creates enough light to see the fish, but not enough to scare fish away. when my pleco gets a wafer, it is usally between midnight and 1am, he never fails to find the wafer regardless of how dark the tank is :p
Heh, I just came back to edit my post and ask what type of Plecos they were but you beat me to it :)
What kind of algae wafers do you have? I've noticed that my plecos all love the Hikari ones but I bought another brand once (Wardley's, maybe?) and they turned their noses up at them. They were kinda messy, too. The Hikari ones don't turn into a cloudy mess like some can. :roll:
Also, how big are they? As some plecs get older/larger, they don't eat as much algae; they need more protein in their diet.
I truely have no clue as to what type of plecos they are, other than cute! They are about 2.5" from tip to tail, so pretty small. The LFS already told me that they will out grow the tank (at least for all three) and to bring the extras back in once they get to that size.
I am at work, and lunch, so I don't have the brand. White bag and they don't cloudy the water, just fall apart after a while.
All the Wardley foods seem to majorly cloud up the water if any of it goes eaten, Madame_X, all around just horrible food, nasty stuff.
Eh, I usually pick them out of my salads ;)

I tried cukes once in the tank; the fish ignored it. My guys seem to prefer zucchini/squash. Other folks have had better success with cukes then I.
My plecs will eat cucumber, but definitely prefer the firmer zuchinni, though they do not exactly go crazy over either one. I tried Romaine but that did not go over too great with anyone but the snails! I am going to try some other firm vegetables and see if there is a favorite.

I feed Hikari wafers nightly, and there is not a trace in the AM.
I think my pleco doesn't even care what I toss in there.. To him its all fair

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