Pond snails! :(

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 2, 2017
So I woke up and checked my filter when I found a little baby pond snail had been filtered out. I'm so bummed because I hate pond snails. I don't even mind malaysian trumpets but pond snails are the worst. I knew the place I got the moss from has snails but my stupid self still decided to buy. Help please! My lfs does sell assassin snails, should I go buy one or just wait a couple days to see if I find any new ones?
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It's a nano 6 gallon, I don't want to buy more than one. What do you think
one wont wipe out a whole colony of pond snails, and unless they are asexual they wont multiply.
I did but I the only possible source of that snail would be the Java moss I got last week, so that might mean there there are still eggs or baby snails I'll find later
Might. Wait and see. If you check the tank daily and pull the youngsters out when they are small they won't be old enough to reproduce.

If you spot one and suspect more then put a lettuce bit in the tank at night and pull it out when the light first come on.

Pond snail eggs look like a big clear bogey. Check your moss.
Are there any live inhabitants in your tank? Whenever I see pond snails I just grab a pair of tweezers and crush them and my shrimp and fish go nuts for em.
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