Poop red

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 28, 2011
US, Ga
My sunset wag Platy popped half brown and half red poop. I was wondering if something was wrong with her. The parameters were perfect and did PWC on all my tank today (still tired). She is pregnant but I don't know if they do it. Is this normal ?
Zagz said:
What color is the food you feed her?

It is a mix of color green,red,grayish and others. She normally didn't poop red so I thought something was wrong so it's just the food? Tetra Min. Is the brand. She is getting bothered by male though.
Not saying there is nothing wrong, I rule out the simple things. Since the food is not red then that may or may not be it. Keep a close eye on her and see if she poops like that again. It might have been that she ingested more of the red flake but it might be more than that. One poop isn't really enough to tell. How many females do you have in the tank?
Zagz said:
Not saying there is nothing wrong, I rule out the simple things. Since the food is not red then that may or may not be it. Keep a close eye on her and see if she poops like that again. It might have been that she ingested more of the red flake but it might be more than that. One poop isn't really enough to tell. How many females do you have in the tank?

2 males with 2 females the sunset male always bothers every female and her mostly. She had two strands of the poop but I'm keeping a eye on her!
Generally to ease the stress on the females you should have 2-3 females to 1 male. That might help as well. She might be stressed.
Zagz said:
Generally to ease the stress on the females you should have 2-3 females to 1 male. That might help as well. She might be stressed.

I think my tank is stocked though :/ 5 zebra danios 4 platys 2 snails 1 dwarf Froggy. Can I still add the females or just remove the males? Also I need to add 1 more Daniel can I still do that? She in 20g long . Right now she is standing still staying away from everybody.
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