Porc Chop's Tank

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It's a hippo tang. A little bigger than the puffer. The tangs are all different type of tangs so that should be fine. The tiny lion shouldn't be any issues I can't find him half the time. Worried the hippo and puffer may have a little issue until the puffer gets a few more inches and chills mostly at the bottom instead of the top. Other than them not sharing swimming space and my tanks stability are the only things I'm worried about. Not to much to worry but it's some.
I know I probably should have waited but the tang was the right size to handle itself incase of porc chop and looked very healthy. I got it this morning only thing that happened when I put him in is porc chop gave him a warning shot to let him know he swims in a certain area . It wasnt bad at all now the tang just swims lower and they don't care about eachother anymore which is what i expected .so my tank is now fully stocked and I can stop stalking fish at the Lfs and enjoy . I know some would think I added to fast but I just went with it . made another video too.

ohhhh, so the concern was you where adding to fast? i thought you did it a nice pace. seemed like you waited for your tank to stabilize after each addition and you did test to make sure all was well with your water before you added. you where good.
Thanks twitch . I am so happy that everyone gets along and eating good. I'm working on lights now. I put a cheapo marineglo bulb in a extra fixture and they look good together.the hippo and lion shimmer under it. Might get a dual t5 normal output fixture . What bulbs are you running in yours in the picture of you breeder question thread?
4 bulb t5 ho. the latest pictures with the bta are 2 new ati aquablue speacials. 1 halfused ati purple plus, and an unknown aged coralife actinic.
Ok those are the good bulbs . This is what it looks like now with the 2 . I think it looks half blue and half white. If I get a dual fixture the lights would be closer and have a more even lighting and not that half and half look.
I don't want to spend too much since it's just for my preference . That fixture is cool because of the led and 4 bulb but i think that's to much for what Im trying to get done. I'll just see what's local and see what I can do.
Found nothing locally. I swapped fixture positions to have the blue bulb in the back. The tank is a little cloudy from a Pwc but how does this look? Also it seems the hippo has nipped both tangs on the tail fin . Nothing serious but I'm still a little mad. Still getting used to eachother I guess
Tangs hate each other. Lol. I have a yellow tang, sailfin tang, purple tang, lieutenant tang, doctor tang, and my yellow is the worst. However, I did notice once I added more veggie clips that they have left each other alone. I have three clips now and they leave each other alone. I also have a very extensive cave system. Each tang has their own caves and some of them have two or three caves. I look at it like a house of 5 kids- they each want their own rooms and plates or they fight! Lol :p
Good news. It hasn't been even two full days and the fins on the tangs that got nipped from the hippo are completely healed and you can even tell they got nipped. It's a good sign of my water quality I'm very happy about that.
I need help guys. My hippo tang has some white spots . Maybe around 10 or so . No flashing and still eating ok . They weren't there yesterday and all other fish are ok. I'm not sure it's ick but I'm not sure it isn't . Please help.
Hondatek said:
I need help guys. My hippo tang has some white spots . Maybe around 10 or so . No flashing and still eating ok . They weren't there yesterday and all other fish are ok. I'm not sure it's ick but I'm not sure it isn't . Please help.

Ick looks like you dropped table salt on your fish.
Yeah that or sugar,,,if he has 10 + spots chances are it is,,also being a regal its highly likely
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